CANCELLED – Annual Parish Meeting 8th May 2024


The Annual Parish Meeting that was to be held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7:00pm at the Hemingford Abbots Village Hall has been cancelled. 

The Annual Parish Meeting, held in compliance with the Local Government Act 1972, is an opportunity for any elector of the Parish to raise for discussion and, if appropriate, to a vote any subject they wish that is relevant to the Parish.  The APM has been cancelled as there were no issues raised by parishioners.


The Hemingford Abbots Annual Parish Meeting

Each year, between the 1st of March and 1st of June, HAPC organises an Annual Parish Meeting.  This usually takes place in the Village Hall in the evening after 6 pm and all electors, the public and press are welcome to attend.  This is an informal community event, usually called by the Chair of the Parish Council and refreshments are provided.

During the meeting you can expect to hear short reports from the Parish Council on what it has accomplished in the past year.  You may also hear from your District & County Councillors, community groups and any other organisation that the Parish Council has supported and/or funded during the year.  

The Council may also invite other organisations such as the local community policem, neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, etc. to provide information on what has been happening in their area of expertise, and this is where we would like your help…

If you have any ideas on presenters you’d like to hear from, or topics you would like to learn more about, then please email the Parish Clerk ( before the 22nd March 2024 with your thoughts.

Meet your HDC Councillors

Sessions will take place between 2.30 and 3.30 pm on the following dates in the Hemingford Abbots Village Hall:

4th May 2024; 7th September 2024 and 7th December 2024. 

Additionally there are sessions in Godmanchester on 3rd February at Judith’s Field, at the Gala day on 6th July and in Judith’s field on 2nd November. 

PCC’s village mug and tea towel now available..

St Margaret’s Church Hemingford Abbots – Welcome Pack

Posted by Pearl Muspratt – PCC St Margaret’s Church

St Margaret’s Church has prepared a welcome pack; this takes the form of an information leaflet which, in addition to general information also gives times and forms of services. It comes with welcome gifts of a mug, and a tea towel.

The mugs and tea towels will also be on general sale.  The tea towel has a beautiful illustration of the village, designed by David Hamilton as seen on on the board by the bus stop in the middle of the village.  The mug shows the church on one side and the pub on the other.  They are £5 each, a bargain!  And they make a lovely present for friends, especially if they have visited the village, maybe been to the flower festival.  

If you know of anyone who has recently moved to the village, or if you wish to purchase a mug or tea towel, please email Pearl Muspratt at

Hemingford Bowls Club Open Day!

Posted by Sue Peel- Chair Hemingford Bowls Club

The new outdoor bowls season will be starting from 17 April and we are looking to welcome new players, either new, returning or experienced to our friendly club. 

We are holding an open day on Sunday 21 April from 2 pm so why not come along and give it a go? 

There will be many opportunities to play in friendly roll ups, friendly matches against other clubs and in club and league matches.  

Each Friday at 9.45 for a 10am we hold a weekly social roll up and this is an ideal opportunity to come along to meet members and have a go at bowling. There will also be a roll up each Saturday at 1.45 for a 2 pm start as well as coaching/improving sessions on a Tuesday evening at 6pm. The club does have some sets of bowls for use; you will just need flat soled shoes and we ask that shirts have a collar and shorts/trousers are smart casual. We look forward to welcoming you. 

For more information contact Sue

20mph application for High Street and New Road submitted

Following on from the discussions at the Parish Council meeting in November, the Council have now submitted an application to Cambridgeshire County Council, as part of the Local Highways Initiative (LHI) programme. The application requests that Highways consider changing the remaining 30mph section of the High Street (from Chapmans to the S bends) to 20mph, and to also include a 20mph speed limit for New Road, which would run south from the junction with High Street to the entrance gate to the village.

The window for applications runs until 15th March 2024, at which point all 20mph LHIs submitted in the County will be considered for progression.

The Parish Council also raised with Highways the concerns local residents have for the junction of New Road with the High Street. We were advised that should the Council wish to submit an application for the junction specifically, it would need to be submitted via a separate LHI application.