Update July 2023
Hello from your Village Hall.
We have had a successful half year at the hall with good use made of it by the villagers and other guests. Some of the main activities have been the village lunch once a month, lots of day bookings including keep fit and yoga.
The hall played a central role in the Flower Festival. The festival committee members did a great job with the lunches and we managed to keep the guests cool on a very hot day.
Childrens parties have been very popular again this year.
Our long term friends, such as the bridge club, arts and crafts, the Rug-cutters, the first aid trainers and others continue to book the hall.
Financially we are doing OK but we would like to see an increase in the evening and weekend bookings . To help that we have changed the closing time of the hall to 11:45pm with the bar closing at 11:00pm and music finishing at 11:30pm. These are pre COVID times. So please consider your hall when booking a do.
We have not had as many weddings booked this year so if you would like to get married we can host the reception. We have had a few evening bookings such as the quiz night and we will have a second quiz later in the year.
There will be an 80’s night with a George Michael tribute act with a famous David hot dog included.
The date is the 29th of September. Tickets at £15 on sale at the Axe & Compass and the Hemingford Grey shop.
We will try and keep you informed on a more regular basis, your hall is ready for you.
Booking as usual through Jenny 07720 309992 jdesborough@havh.org bookings@havh.org
Best Regards
Stuart Prosser
Chairman Village Hall Committee
Registered Charity No. 1078838
Hemingford Abbots Village Hall is a Community Building open to all. Its purpose is to provide a meeting place for the community and to provide facilities for both recreational and educational activities.
Hemingford Abbots Village Hall has been awarded a prestigious 5 star “Scores on the doors” food hygiene rating. The 5 star award is the highest rating achievable. The “Scores on the doors” scheme is designed to encourage food businesses to improve and maintain high standards of food hygiene and to give customers an informed choice about where they eat out and buy food. The scheme recognises those businesses that consistently maintain high standards and comply with the law.
The Hall is a charity, Registered Charity Number 1078838. A Management Committee of elected and appointed members, who are the Trustees of the Charity, run it on behalf of the community of Hemingford Abbots. Four committee members are elected annually and each of the user groups are entitled to appoint a representative to become a committee member. Additional members may be co-opted to fill any skill or experience vacancies. The officers of the charity at present are:
Stuart Prosser |
07892 682389 | chairman@havh.org |
Catheryn Reed |
01480 463097 | secretary@havh.org |
Margaret Cloke |
07887 630064 | treasurer@havh.org |
Jenny Desborough |
07720 309992 | bookings@havh.org |
The Foyer provides not only a “greeting” area but is an access to the Hall and Meeting Room and also the cloakroom and toilet facilities. This foyer may be used for small gatherings and leads into the main Hall through double doors.
The Main Hall is air-conditioned and is constructed in traditional style, using a mix of traditional and modern materials offering flexible meeting facilities. A hearing loop has been installed throughout to assist those with hearing difficulties. The rentable space comprises a reception area and two internal meeting areas, all serviced by high quality kitchen, storage and toilet areas. The Main Hall is a light and airy space suitable for use in a variety of formats. It has ample room for the erection of a stage or catwalk, available for hire separately, and when used in this way can accommodate 120 people. For dining, there is seating for up to 80 people at tables, whilst allowing free circulation for table service. A sound system, portable screen and piano are also available for use. Music must stop by 11pm and no drinks served after 10.30pm

The Main Kitchen is well appointed, being equipped with a double electric range oven, two larder fridges plus a fridge/ freezer, a commercial dishwasher and ample work surfaces. It is well stocked with a range of cooking pans and utensils, and crockery & cutlery to serve 80 people. The kitchen serves the main hall through serving hatches and service doors. It has been awarded 5 stars by the local Environmental Health Officer.
The Meeting Room, which is separate from the main hall and has it’s own kitchen, is smaller and more intimate and can accommodate up to 20 in theatre style or a smaller number at tables. It can be used for a variety of events and is self-sufficient with it’s own facilities.
The Small Kitchen serves the Meeting Room when two separate functions are in progress. It is equipped to supply light buffets and hot and cold drinks.
The Rear Gardens are accessed through double doors from the rear of the main hall which lead to a landscape that includes a large patio, pergola, lawns and shrubbery. The garden overlooks the village park on one side and on the other there is a car park, which is screened off by fencing.
Car Park The village hall has a car park, free for use by hall users and connects to the hall and gardens by a gate from the drive.
Hemingford Abbots is a small village, with limited dedicated off-road parking facilities for visitors. Many of the roads are used by residents for on-street parking, especially in the centre of the village. The Village Hall and the pub both have dedicated car parks and patrons are encouraged to use these wherever possible. Where guests to the village need to park on the roadside, we ask that they are always considerate and thoughtful with regard to the residents of the neighbouring properties.
Free WiFi is available throughout the hall and the access details are available in the foyer.
Bookings We endeavour to keep our rates low and only revise rates to reflect our actual running costs. It is our intention to offer economical meeting rates to our community and our neighbours. Therefore we operate a 2 tier pricing policy, (please note no Bank Holiday bookings at present):
Hall Bookings from 1st January 2025
- Hemingford Abbots Residents and Charity Activities
Main Hall: £15 per hour weekdays. Weekends £18 per hour before 5.00pm and £20 per hour after 5.00pm
Meeting Room: £10 per hour weekdays and weekends.
Weddings Friday set up from 6 pm, Saturday all day, Sunday clear up 3 hours, finish at 12 noon – £475.
- Local Community and Commercial activities
Main Hall: £21 per hour weekdays. Weekends £24 per hour before 5.00pm and £27 per hour after 5.00pm
Meeting Room: £13 per hour weekdays and weekends.
Weddings Friday set up from 6 pm, Saturday all day, Sunday clear-up 3 hours, finish at 12 noon – £575.
The minimum let is for two hours. Staging is available at extra cost.
Both rooms are available for hire from 8.00am until midnight throughout the year excepting 25th and 26th December and 1st January. Note that bookings must include a suitable period within the hire time for cleaning up the hall.
For bookings contact Jenny Desborough between 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday only on 07720 309992 or email anytime to bookings@havh.org
Hemingford Abbots Village Hall, High Street, Hemingford Abbots, Cambs PE28 9AH
Activity | Contact | Telephone |
Art Club – Mondays | Janet Innes | 01480 534296 |
Art Club – Tuesdays | John Ebney | 07788 175416 |
Bridge Club | John Evans | 01480 390289 |
Crafts | Janine Hamilton | 01480 390505 |
Keep Fit Classes | S&A Lifestyles | 01480 388469 |
Parish Council | Maxine Blewett | parishclerk@hemingford-abbots.org.uk |
Tai Chi Classes | Margaret Attling | 01480 496240 |
Whist Club | Jackie Halissey | 01480 465007 |
Women’s Institute | Janine Hamilton | 01480 390505 |
Village Lunch Club | Jo Wills | 07831 537168 |
Yoga – Mondays 7pm – 9.15pm | John Green | 01480 462062 |