The next Hemingford Abbots Flower Festival will be held on Saturday June 24th and Sunday June 25th 2023, from noon until 6pm.
Tickets for the 2023 Flower Festival will be available to purchase from the car park by Chapmans, Information Desk located outside the Village Hall and several of the Open Gardens during the Festival weekend. Specific locations will be published nearer the festival dates.
A one day ticket will be £9, a week-end ticket will be £15. When you purchase your ticket, we urge everyone who is a tax payer to provide your name and address, to enable us to claim Gift Aid from the Government at 25%.
Please consider becoming a Patron of Hemingford Abbots Flower Festival 2023 – a minimum donation of £25 per patron will provide a week-end ticket (value £15), and your name will be added to our published list of Patrons (if you wish). If you are a tax payer, please take the Gift Aid option on your Patronage. To become a Patron or for more information, please contact our Treasurer, Alison Griffiths,