Openreach fibre roll-out – two new poles to be installed

Having met with an Openreach engineer, the Council have learned that there will be two new poles installed to carry the required overhead fibre cables:

  • One on the west side of Rideaway approx. 20m south of the junction with High Street / Common Lane
  • One on the grassy corner of Meadow Lane / Common Lane, next to the existing highway sign

Poles are being used as Openreach say this is more cost effective than digging up the road. Each will be approximately 9m long and sunk 2m into the ground, backfilled with concrete. No road closures are expected during installation. The wires will be at a minimum 5.9m elevation so as not to interfere with traffic etc. The Rideaway pole should be in place before Christmas and the one on Meadow Lane early next year.

Over time the existing elevated copper wiring will be removed as this is phased out,  but other telecoms / fibre providers may come and fit their own additional poles, as apparently there is no requirement for suppliers to share these pieces of infrastructure.

We would encourage you to speak with us about anything that might affect your properties, as we may not necessarily have been informed, but we may be able to help.