On July 4th 2023, HDC approved the recent planning application for (1) change of use from (empty) restaurant site (Use Class E) to vehicle repair garage (Use Class B2), and (2) for the fitting of security shutters. In our comments, HAPC asked that suitable screening be installed, but this was not included in the written decision.
30th April 2023: The planning application (22/02510/FUL) was withdrawn on 21st March. A new application (23/00630/FUL) was submitted for review on the 7th April. The Council reviewed this again at April’s meeting on 24th April; the entry from the minutes of that meeting follow:
23/00630/FUL Melior Spas Cambridge Road Hemingford Abbots. Proposed change of use from (empty) restaurant site to vehicle repair garage. Retrospective application for fitting of security shutters. RESOLVED neither for nor against this application, however we would like to make an observation that the aesthetics on and around the building are unsightly and HAPC would like to see the site kept clean and tidy to prevent potential health and safety issues arising. The site would also benefit from adding screening of some kind to improve its appearance.
18th January 2023 The planning application for part retrospective change of use from restaurant site (Class E) to vehicle repair garage (Class B2) and installation of external shutters was submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council on the 9th of December 2022. The planning application for Budget Auto Repairs will be reviewed at our next Parish Council Meeting on Monday the 23rd of January at 7 pm in the small meeting room, Hemingford Abbots Village Hall.
14th December 2022 A planning application for this site was submitted on December 9th 2022 on behalf of Budget Auto Repairs for a change of use at the above premises. Planning application reference number is 22/02510/FUL