Council Members

awaiting image

Rie Hargreaves

Our Cambridgeshire County Councillor – Doug Dew,

Our Cambridgeshire County Councillor – Doug Dew

For more information please click here: CC Cllr Doug Dew

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Debbie Mickelburgh,

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Debbie Mickelburgh

Chair, Development Management Committee

For more information please click here: Cllr Debbie Mickelburgh

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Brett Mickelburgh,

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Brett Mickelburgh

Executive Councillor for Finance & Resources, Deputy Leader, Liberal Democrats

For more information please click here: Cllr Brett Mickelburgh

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Sarah Conboy,

Our Huntingdonshire District Councillor – Sarah Conboy

Executive Leader, Chair of the Cabinet and Executive Councillor for Place, Group Leader, Liberal Democrats

For more information please click here: Cllr Sarah Conboy


Shaun Reinson,

Shaun Reinson

Work brought me to Cambridgeshire in the early nineties and I’ve lived off and on in Hemingford Grey for over 20 years, deciding a move to Hemingford Abbots last year with my partner and young family was our next big adventure.

My career has been spent in IT initially with technical or project management roles but mostly on the commercial side with solution sales into Government and the not-for-profit sectors.

Having worked from home for many years, the day job is heading up business development for a software organisation based in Dundee and when not looking after our daughters, I’m part of a pub quiz team enjoying some minor successes locally at the Axe & Compass, and nationally just failing to win on TV’s “Eggheads” in 2022. (Channel 5 – Season 2 – EP49 – ‘Albert Camouse’ on catch-up, spoiler alert!)

We love the village, believe it will be a great place for our children to grow up in, and want to help shape and protect that in whatever way we can, with the help of the Parish Council.

Register of Interest (PDF)

Email Shaun Reinson
Glenda Perrott,

Glenda Perrott

I have lived in the Hemingfords for over 44 years, 24 in Hemingford Abbots. Up until my retirement recently from a long career in education I have not played an active part in village life except that my husband David and I organised the village hall quiz for a number of years. Now that I have more time I am enjoying giving something back to the community I have been part of for so many years.

Register of Interest (PDF)

Email Glenda Perrott
Phillip Cooke,

Phillip Cooke

I have lived in the village for 22 years and we as a family have always appreciated what a great place it is to live! Since arriving in the village business commitments have kept me travelling away a lot, but I am now working part time and want to get more involved with HA in a way that makes a useful contribution.

I was co-promoter and writer of the village pantomime, Sinbad in 2002 and started the Hemingfords Community Theatre Group in 2019; we were within a week of staging another pantomime, Jack and the Wilted Beanstalk, when Covid intervened and large gatherings became a thing of the past! I was chairman of the Hemingford Abbots Village Hall Committee for a year.

Following a short-service commission in the Royal Air Force I returned to the commercial world. I have had my own business for 43 years and have developed leadership, publishing, events management and relationship skills that I hope will serve the Parish Council and village in some way.

My wife Sally and I have two children, 5 grandchildren, and two black cats, Hamish and Cobweb – and these felines love the village too, especially since a 20 mph speed limit was introduced!

Register of Interest (PDF)

Email Phillip Cooke
Peter Keen,

Peter Keen

My wife Melanie and I have lived in the Hemingfords since 1983 and in Abbots since 2013.  A Chartered Accountant by training I spent over 35 years in developing and raising funds for emerging technology-based businesses, primarily in healthcare, and have recently completed an 8-year term as a Trustee of a large medical charity.  Covid-19 has made me realise how fortunate we are to live in an idyllic village environment surrounded by beautiful countryside and with excellent, but unobtrusive, communication links on our doorstep.  I joined the Parish Council in May 2021 and hope to play a part in ensuring that the next generation can be as fortunate.

Register of Interest (PDF)

Tel: 300931
Email Peter Keen
Marcus Whewell, Chairman

Marcus Whewell


My family has lived in the village continuously since 1995. I joined the Council in 2017 to help contribute to maintaining and improving the quality of life for all its residents and I consider it an honour and a privilege to represent the parish and serve the local community.

My background includes roles in strategic planning, finance, business development, compliance, operations, and marketing / communications. I have been a director of an international ‘not for profit’ organization, several consumer products businesses, and also one of the UK’s leading media groups. I am currently launching a new business focused on helping smaller companies improve their sustainability, and I also serve on the board of the UK’s largest charity in the property sector.

I feel very fortunate to live in such a wonderful location, and hope that the Parish Council can continue to help protect, connect and energize the parish – and that we can all work together to enhance our sense of community and shared spaces.

Register of Interest (PDF)

Tel: 464293
Email Marcus Whewell