What is it and what does it mean for our parish?
July 2023: Huntingdonshire District Council’s Call for Sites ran from 29 March to 7 June 2023. It was an opportunity for people to send the council details of sites that might be suitable for allocation in the next Local Plan.
The Call for sites asked people to submit sites with potential for:
- residential use (such as housing, specialist homes, moorings, care homes)
- commercial use (such as retail, leisure, industrial, logistics)
- infrastructure (such as health uses, community facilities, renewable energy)
- open space use (such as sports and recreation, allotments, biodiversity net gain, flooding safeguarding)
The submission of a site only means that the site will be considered and assessed as to whether it has potential to be suitable for future development. This does not guarantee that it will be allocated for development in the Local Plan, or that planning permission can be obtained for the proposed development.
The sites that are within our Parish are listed below:
- CfS 2 Royal Oak Gardens
- CfS 252 Land West of Rideaway
- CfS 247 The Lattenburys
To view each of these in more detail, click on HDC’s Consultation Portal and input the CfS number from above (just the number) where it says Comment ID.
To view all other sites, including Hemingford Grey and beyond, please refer to the HDC spreadsheet, which lists all sites by parish along with the CfS number for further information.
HDC Next Steps: Sites will now go through the first phase of assessment. For further information and updates please click on the following link which takes you to HDC’s webpage HDC: Call for Sites