Councillor Shaun Reinson

Work brought me to Cambridgeshire in the early nineties and I’ve lived off and on in Hemingford Grey for over 20 years, deciding a move to Hemingford Abbots last year with my partner and young family was our next big adventure.

My career has been spent in IT initially with technical or project management roles but mostly on the commercial side with solution sales into Government and the not-for-profit sectors.

Having worked from home for many years, the day job is heading up business development for a software organisation based in Dundee and when not looking after our daughters, I’m part of a pub quiz team enjoying some minor successes locally at the Axe & Compass, and nationally just failing to win on TV’s “Eggheads” in 2022. (Channel 5 – Season 2 – EP49 – ‘Albert Camouse’ on catch-up, spoiler alert!)

We love the village, believe it will be a great place for our children to grow up in, and want to help shape and protect that in whatever way we can, with the help of the Parish Council.

Register of Interest (PDF)